Products & Services

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Spilcare A.D.T


Spilcare dispersants are in manufacture since 1974 and the company has a wealth of experience in formulating and manufacturing dispersants.

The confidence in using Spilcare-ADT dispersant as a first response to oil spills is due to the recent breakthrough in dispersant Technology (Through an ongoing research and development programme at SPILCARE). This eliminates the shortcomings of the earlier generation of dispersants. Spilcare continues to lead in formulating dispersants that increase in efficiency and decrease in toxicity.

Spilcare-ADT can be used to combat oil spills caused by pipelines, ship and oil platform disasters and thereby eliminates the significant threat to the marine and shoreline eco-system. Spilcare-ADT has been evaluated and approved for use in the Indian marine environment.

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Back Pack

The backpack system dispersant application unit is designed for applying small quantities of dispersant. It is carried on the back to allow the spraying of dispersant at inaccessible locations such as beaches, rocky shorelines, harbour walls. They are particularly useful for highly-focused treatment onshore, and could also be used from small boats for special limited treatments

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The Chemspray system can be used for applying diluted (Type 2) dispersant from Platforms. The system is inherently safe in an explosion risk environment and uses a standard fire main which is generally available on Oil Platforms. The system is highly portable and can be easily moved around and connected to a convenient fire main. This system is also designed for use on board Tugs, Offshore Supply Boats and other vessels.

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Boat Based Systems

A number of different sizes of Boat Spray sets are available, ranging from large, permanently mounted equipment for use on tugs to small, portable inshore spray sets for use by small vessels. While ships can carry large loads of dispersant they are also much slower than aircrafts. This means that for a fast response it is important to identity potentially available vessels, with spraying systems permanently mounted to especially spray the type 3 dispersants (Neat). The portable spray sets will be suitable for oil platforms if restricted to Neat (Type 3) spraying. These systems can also be designed to spray both the dilute and neat dispersants thereby be suitable for harbor/terminal use.

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Fixed Wing Aircraft Based System


Fixed - Wing aircraft based systems offer a rapid response and a high treatment rate. This offers a significant advantage when time is of the essence because the oil is emulsifying or drifting rapidly towards the shore. For an aircraft to be suitable it should be capable of operating at low altitude and relatively low speeds, exhibit good maneuverability and carry the highest possible payload for a particular aircraft size.

A * Air Boom M. P * Air Boom S. C * Air Boom S. C. S * Air Boom S. P * Back Pack * Beach Cleaning Equipments * Boat Based Systems * Boom Blower * Boom Inflator * Boom Reel * Burn Sheild Water Gel Blanket * Chemspray * Contractor Boom * Diskskimmers * Fence Boom * Fixed Wing Aircraft Based System * Flash Boom * Home * Marine Truck * Mopskimmers * Multiskimmers * Oil Spill Containment * Oil Spill Skimmers * Perma Boom * Portatank * Power Pack * Response Accessories * Rubber Boom * Shore Barrier * Shore Saver * Speciality Fire Fighting And Safety Products * Spilcare A. D. T * Thermal Imaging Camera